Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day Seven: Santa Barbara to San Luis Obispo to Ventura

 Just in case everyone wasn't sure how much we've been driving here is a map of what we drove just today.
 There's supposed to be a hummingbird in this picture.
 Pretty flower in San Luis Obispo.
 A beautiful park being soiled by Paul.
 "All done guys!"
 Shell Beach Coast.
Paul took his best bud Clifford to bed with him.

We are now officially on our own.  Checked in at La Quinta for the week.  Two room shares lined up for tomorrow and a whole lot of job applications to fill out.  We're gonna be busy.

Day Five/Six:Barstow to Ventura to Santa Barbara and everything in between

 Driving through central California towards Los Angeles.
 It took about five attempts to get a good shot of that sign.
 Pacific Ocean on the big deal.
 Lunch at a nice little park in Ventura.  Ocean is in the background.  You can't really tell though.
Ojai Valley- Where we'd like to live.

How do you guys think you pronounce Ojai?  This video from the worst movie ever will show you the true pronunciation.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Paranormal Activity

Super 8, Barstow, CA. room 113. 2:47 am- tv turns on to static at volume 50- remote suddenly won't work. Remembering every scary movie I've ever seen....

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day Four: Albuquerque to Barstow

Albuquerque to California- lots of desert, minus the cool cacti with arms, and plus snow (sometimes).
 We were glad to get out of New Mexico.  People here were strange.
 Paul is a baby in the car.
 Yay finally out of New Mexico!
 Paul wanted to do some rock climbing in Arizona
 The most comfortable position he could find- face wedged against a box.
 Of course our child had to stick his tongue out in our nice picture.
 Now 3 hours behind
 Driving through the mountains
California desert sunset

It's pretty hot out here...

What's it like back home?

To California!

Just left Albuquerque- we checked into our hotel when the weirdos were out- got a little scared- but the night was alright.
Forgot to mention that yesterday, Paul took one step on the New Mexico desert and got a needle/spine of some kind stuck in his paw! Pulled it out and he is fine.
Now we are off to drive through the desert of Arizona and will reach California by 4 or 5pm ish our time- 7 east coast.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day Three: Where were we last night? (AK) to Can't wait to leave in the morning (NM)

Van Buren AK- Albuquerque NM
Oklahoma City
Too fast to have the window down so he had to compromise
 If everything's bigger in Texas.. why is the sign so small?
 Texas- land of nothing.
 New Mexico- Texas with shrubs
 ...and a metal dinosaur bone.
 Paul decided he'd rather sit in the back. wait, he'd rather sit in the driver's seat.
New Mexico sunset.

Finally in Albuquerque.  Big sprawling city that we can't wait to get out of.  

Wake me up when we get there...

It's a beautiful day to be leaving Arkansas.

We're just crossing the Arkansas/Oklahoma border, gotta love driving through rain.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day Two: Wytheville to Van Buren(AR)

 Paul is scared to come out of his den.
 "I'm ready for breakfast!"
Leaving Virginia 
 "You're the only ten Paul sees!"
Arkansas Sunset.

Are we there yet?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day One: Philly to Wytheville (VA)

 Empty Room Pt. I
 Empty Room Pt. II
 "Don't forget Paul!"
 This is why we're leaving.
 Last time driving by Manayunk.
 Sleepy baby.
Sunset in Virginia.
Finally time for bed.