Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day Four: Albuquerque to Barstow

Albuquerque to California- lots of desert, minus the cool cacti with arms, and plus snow (sometimes).
 We were glad to get out of New Mexico.  People here were strange.
 Paul is a baby in the car.
 Yay finally out of New Mexico!
 Paul wanted to do some rock climbing in Arizona
 The most comfortable position he could find- face wedged against a box.
 Of course our child had to stick his tongue out in our nice picture.
 Now 3 hours behind
 Driving through the mountains
California desert sunset


  1. I'll watch for the reindeer on a future episode of "shipping wars". Great pictures !

  2. Geez,,,how big is that sign (8 pictures upward,,arizonia sign) makes you 2 look like midgits,,,,,,,,,,,funny pic of paul with his tounge out

  3. I loved Arizona! I too love the family pix, even with Pauls tongue!
