Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Everyday life

So far we've been to a couple different beaches, a handful of parks (including dog parks for Paul), and a couple farmers markets.  We had a chance to pick up freshly grown strawberries, oranges, lettuce, and broccoli.  Hopefully there will be more fresh produce on our horizon.
 Mountain Lions? Bobcats? No big deal.
 Now that's a view.
 A little winter grilling. These burgers are too big for their buns!
 Did you even know that there are different types of strawberries?
 Get it?
Paul loves lounging!


  1. Sooooo...when can I come visit???? so cold in NJ!! Plus - Luci misses Paul :(

  2. Looks beautiful there, but watch out for those cats! I'm glad you are eating good, and getting some rest (Paul & Chuck!) - I didn't realize Chuck was even in that picture until I saw part of a human leg :-) And yep, I get it...LOL. Love you all !
